Caring Hands - Houston, TX - St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church

Mar 31, 2019


Welcome to Caring Hands, a community and society website dedicated to spreading the message of Faith and Beliefs in Houston, TX. At Caring Hands, we believe in the power of faith and the importance of community outreach. We are proud to be affiliated with St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church, which plays a vital role in our mission to serve and support our local community.

Our Mission

Our mission at Caring Hands is to provide assistance, support, and love to those in need. We strive to create a community where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and cared for. Through our various programs and initiatives, we aim to make a positive impact in Houston, TX, and beyond.

Community Outreach

One of the core pillars of our mission is community outreach. We believe in reaching out to those who may be struggling or in need of help. Through partnerships with local organizations and dedicated volunteers, we actively engage in projects that address social issues such as poverty, homelessness, and hunger. By providing food, shelter, and resources, we aim to uplift and empower individuals and families in our community.

Faith and Beliefs

Our faith is the foundation of everything we do at Caring Hands. We believe in the power of spirituality and the strength it brings to individuals and communities. Through prayer, worship, and religious education, we encourage individuals to deepen their connection with God and find solace in their faith. St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church, our supportive partner, offers various spiritual programs and services for people of all ages.

Events and Programs

As an active community organization, Caring Hands hosts a range of events and programs throughout the year. These initiatives provide opportunities for individuals to engage, connect, and grow spiritually. From religious gatherings and prayer sessions to outreach projects and support groups, there's something for everyone at Caring Hands.

Weekly Congregation

Every week, we gather as a community to celebrate our faith and honor our beliefs. Our church services offer a welcoming environment where individuals can come together to worship, reflect, and find inspiration. Join us on Sundays for a deeply spiritual experience that will uplift your soul.

Volunteer Opportunities

Caring Hands encourages volunteerism as a way to give back and make a difference. Our volunteer opportunities range from serving meals at local shelters to organizing donation drives for those in need. By actively participating in these initiatives, you become an instrument of love and care, positively impacting the lives of others.

Youth Programs

At Caring Hands, we prioritize the growth and development of our youth. Our youth programs focus on instilling strong values, fostering friendships, and supporting the personal and spiritual growth of young individuals. From retreats and summer camps to mentorship programs and community service, we provide a nurturing environment for young minds to thrive.

Join Us

There are numerous ways to get involved with Caring Hands and make a meaningful impact. Whether you're looking to volunteer, attend our services, or participate in our programs, we welcome you with open arms. Together, we can create a stronger, more compassionate community where everyone feels loved and supported.


Caring Hands, in partnership with St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church, is dedicated to transforming lives through faith, community, and outreach. By embracing the power of faith and lending a helping hand to those in need, we strive to make a positive difference within Houston, TX, and beyond. Join us on this incredible journey of love, compassion, and spiritual growth. Together, we can create a world where kindness and care flourish.

Amy Goldstein-Martinez
St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church truly embodies what it means to be a shining light in our community. Their dedication and unwavering faith inspire us all to spread love and kindness. Together, let's continue to make a positive impact in Houston! 🙌✨
Nov 12, 2023
TrafficCast International Inc
St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church is an inspiration! 🙌 Keep shining your light! ✨
Nov 8, 2023
Blaine Leroy
Great work, St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church! Keep spreading faith and supporting the community.
Oct 17, 2023